SPIRAL "UK National Ecosystem Assessment" paper publshed
A new paper has been published based on work carried for SPIRAL, authored by Kerry Waylen and Juliette Young. This paper focuses on the first phase of the UK National Ecosystem Assessment.
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WP 2 - Constraining and Facilitating Communication Factors
May 2012
Kerry and Juliette have had a busy Spring collecting and analysing the many fascinating interviews linked to case studies of the NEA, WFD and deer-management. We have now compiled a draft set of recommendations for ideas for improving science policy communication, which will be discussed at a workshop in June. Please get in touch if you’d like to know more.
November 2011
The aim of WP2 is to understand the science-policy dialogue with regards to the role of biodiversity in underpinning livelihoods and ecosystem services.
Much of our work in 2011 focussed on identifying areas of decision-making where gaps between scientific knowledge and policy application were perceived as important. Having spoken to a number of scientists and policy-makers, and written 10 mini-reviews, we selected our final three case studies. These case studies operate at different scales, and focus on both environmental and non-environmental policy. The case studies are:
- the Water Framework Directive
- the UK National Ecosystem Assessment
- deer management in Scotland.
Over the last couple of months we’ve undertaken over 30 interviews with scientists and policy-makers involved in these case studies. We’re currently finishing off the interviews and will start analysing our data in January 2012. We’re planning on holding a workshop in June 2012 to refine recommendations on steps to improve communication between policy-makers and scientist, and increase the recognition of relevant knowledge in policies. As soon as we have a draft programme and a date, we’ll let you know.
Contact: Juliette Young