SPIRAL "UK National Ecosystem Assessment" paper publshed
A new paper has been published based on work carried for SPIRAL, authored by Kerry Waylen and Juliette Young. This paper focuses on the first phase of the UK National Ecosystem Assessment.
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TEEB - The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity Phase 3
May 2012
TEEB, The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity was commissioned by the G8 +5 in 2007.
TEEB has highlighted the economic significance of biodiversity loss, distortions in our current policy context that contribute to overuse of nature, and highlighted examples of successful response options from all over the globe. After completing a series of reports for policy, business and citizens in 2010, now in its third phase the UNEP hosted project focusses on supporting others in implementing the TEEB approach. It does this by providing contacts to other players with relevant experience and expertise, by providing information e.g. a case collection of examples where explicitly considering ecosystem services has supported policy making, and by organizing and supporting communication as well as outreach and capacity building events.
Dialogue between policy makers, project staff and researchers is assured through biweekly coordination telephone conferences and 2-3 advisory board meetings per year. SPIRAL partner UFZ has been involved in these throughout the project. This regular dialogue has proven useful in placing TEEB issues onto the agenda of different policy events, like G8, CBD and the upcoming Rio+20 events and coordinating efforts between different groups.
One important objective throughout has been to make information from research and experience from other countries available to decision makers in formats they can use. Repeated requests on guidance on how to conduct TEEB assessments have now led the initiative to work on a guidance manual to be developed jointly with policy makers from some of the countries that are currently undertaking TEEB inspired assessment processes.
Contact: Heidi Wittmer